yes, i know i look like an ugly duckling up in that picture.
Actually, i've got a gajillion (i don't even know if that's a number) things to blog about.
But since I've to start working on my folios,
I'll only blog about what happened these past few days.
I didn't go to school as I was feeling sick :(
I had difficulty in breathing and my Mama straight away took me to the doctor.
Dr. Johari, you kenal? Heheh :P
So, then, i had to write my name eventhough i told the deskgirl i had a card there -_-
I was number 3 in waiting.
Then, it was my turn.
Sat down, and told everything to the doctor.
He checked my lungs, he said my lungs were clear. But, i told him, i feel very "ketat" (:P) when I inhaled air.
So, he said I had to go on the nebulizer. I was on it for about 15-20 minutes.
Inhaling and exhaling that boring old gas.
Lol :P
Good thing it didn't stop me from continuing my day of fasting.
Papa held a "majlis buka puasa" at the K.T mosque. I didn't know what to wear at first, then Mama told me to wear the jubah Papa bought for me in Makkah.
So, i did.
As we were getting ready, Mak Shi came because she didn't know how to get to the mosque and decided to follow us. Papa went on earlier 'cause he had to see the caterers or something (?). We went with Mak Shi's car.
Arrived there and it was sunset :D Soooo beautiful! I love sunsets, eh no, I'm OBSESSED with sunsets.
And my theme song for the sunset is
Lol :P So, and then we went in, Aunty Shahrain and some others were already there.
I saw Kak Anita wearing her tudung.
Everybody there in the women's side were like, watching her or something -_-
Jakun tak pernah tengok orang pakai tudung.
Wahahaha. Adina and Aunty Ani came when the prayers were going on.
I went to Adina and we broke fast together with all the other guests Papa invited.
Adina was all "REVERSE OSMOSIS"!
She ate the currypuff, but only the skin -_- She took out all the fillings.
When i ate, the opposite happened.
I ate the fillings but threw away the skin.
So, Adina and I "exchanged".
She ate my skin, and I ate her fillings :P
Tak membazir, kan?
We were kinda late for Maghrib prayers as we were enjoying our skins and fillings.
After Maghrib, we went down to have our second meal that was dinner.
Adina was so eager to eat, we were the first ones at the table :)
Though, we had to wait for all the other aunties too.
Adina and I were obsessed with the Rendang and Fried Chicken.
Siapa suruh sedap? Wakakaka.
Aunty Ani asked Adina to take some of the rendang back home, and she said it was so embarassing.
And, don't ask me what Papa did, people :P
Then we went upstairs, and waited for Isya'.
We talked and talked and I saw Aliyah.
She joined us and three of us prayed together :)
After Isya' prayers, we decided NOT to do Terawih. Yes, we are bad girls :D
And, I'm NOT gonna write what happened in the toilet!
We hung out and talked about stupid stuffs and mostly, we laughed ALOT. It was fun -_-
Then, Adina and Aliyah wanted to go downstairs to see what to eat.
Adina wanted to buy 100Plus but the fridge was locked. PADAN MUKA!
Plus, she was craving for bubur lambuk but they said they were gonna serve later, so like ya, we waited.
I dared Adina something, and was gonna pay her at least 5 ringgit.
In the end, she didn't do it and took 6 ringgit from my purse -________-
Oh and, we laughed alot too there.
Then, as we were listening to some songs at the carpark,
Aliyah went home.
Then, Adina,
then me.
My dad introduced me to this lady.
She was Mami's (Tasyah Heri's grandma) older sister, Yusnira/Yusnida (?).
Papa Me TokYusnira/Yusnida
This is my daughter
(Salam-ed her)
Oh so this is your daughter?
Dah besar dah.
Bila nak kahwin?
Waaa....I didn't know I look really old :(
Papa drove me to 7-E 'cause I wanted to buy credit.
Very long queue.
In the evening, Mama & Papa went to Mak Shi's house for what I don't know.
I stayed at home. Was supposed to do Sejarah Folio, but my computer was like >:(
Then yadda yadda yadda...
At about 6:15 p.m, Mama called and told me to heat up all the dishes.
Bfor doing that, I downloaded some of SHINee's songs :D
Love Like Oxygen
Stand By Me
You're So Pretty
Forever or Never
Body Guard
The Shinee World (Doobop)
I went downstairs at about...6:45 p.m and heated up all the dishes.
I cooked the SEDAAP noodles for myself.
The clock strucked 7:10 pm, they were not back yet :(
I worried a little and hoped I didn't have to buka puasa alone.
5 minutes later, I heard the car :)
Then we broke fast. They ate CRAB CURRY. I wanted to eat it, but Papa said I'm not used to "kopek the kulit", so umm ya.
Terawih, Mama and I didn't go...Papa went alone.
I took the time to revise some Sejarah.
After Terawih, Papa fetched me and we went to the bank and I was supposed to withdraw money from my account.
BUT, the stupid machine said my balance was not enough. I was like, WTH?
I had ***.*0 and when I wanted to withdraw 150, but the machine said my balance was not enough.
Soo, Papa drove to PJ Newton and withdrew some money from his account. And didn't give some for me -_- Lols.
Then, he drove to SS14 and we searched for Bank Islam there (my account).
When we found it, went to the machine and the same thing happened.
I punyalah mencarut to the machine.
Papa was silent and just heard what I said to the goddamn machine!
I collected lots of slips to go complain to the bank people this Tuesday.
I was so pissed yesterday.
Bank Islam sucks! I want to change to maybe
Al-Rajhi or
Overseas Union or
Ambank or
Affin or maybe even
Standard Chartered.
I can't wait to complain to them! Weeeeee.
last but not least
I fell in LOVE with SHINee! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D