Tuesday, July 28, 2009

12:15 A.M


I was unconcious at school :o
I didn't know what was going on eventho my eyes were wide open.
Weird? No, that's just me.

Let's start from first period onwards.

KH  - We were given the kayu-kayu for our Form 2 project and a one-sheet "catalogue" of ideas. We had to draw four of our ideas on the art paper. We had to measure the length and all but all can be done later what?!

ENGLISH  - Pn Puteri gave us a piece of paper with incomplete lyrics to I HAVE A DREAM and we had to fill in the blanks while listening to the song. Listening to it was rather relaxing because I was heaving a headache. Then, we were supposed to read out loud what will we be in 5 and 10 years time. It's a good thing teacher forgot about it because mine was ..... nyehhhhh! ;D We had to paste the lyrics in our Essay 2 book. Teacher was playing some Mamma Mia songs. I dared Natasha to ask teacher to change to MONEY MONEY MONEY and she did, i mean they did. So, me, Natasha, Shadzana and Rema(?) were doing stupid moves to that song. Especially, me and Natasha. Nyahahah. 

GEOGRAFI  - We had a quiz on Bab 11 to Bab 13 Form 2. 

B.M  - We discussed about the story Erti Kasih Makna Sayang. Then, teacher talked about pets. Dhanya had the most number of pets. Penyu lah, anjing lah, ayam lah, itik lah, macam2 lah -_-" Then teacher was like "sapa sini ada bela arnab?" I raised my hand, but that was dulu :( They died because they ate some poisonous plant (sobs) Anyway, then Cikgu Alias "kamu tahu tak? Arnab boleh buat satay?" Everybody went "eeeeeeeeeee!" of course. How can that dear little creature be a delicacy to us humans? I mean, GET REAL! Mohana started to talk about anonymous anonymous anonymous eating monkey's blood and biawak and ...... yergh -_- 

MATHS  - We had to do locus-es. 


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